Thursday, January 2, 2014


Thanks Lavanya for sharing this recipe. Halu saaru is a main dish made in winter, adding flavors of pepper, cumin and milk as the main ingredients which keeps body warm and away from cold related diseases. It is very traditional dish, which can be marked as mother-grandmother inherited saaru. This is similar to pepper saaru (pepper and jeera as main ingredients) but bit different because of addition of milk which gives a watery texture. I like to have rice with halu saaru when I am really bored of cooking and when I need simple, tasty dish which reminds me of my mother's style of cooking. Now here is the recipe

Pepper - 8-10 corns
Cumin seeds/ jeera - 1 table spoon
Milk - 1 cup
Salt - as per taste

To Temper:
Oil/ Ghee - 2-3 table spoon
Mustard - 1 teaspoon
Red chillies - 1 or 2
Urad dal - 1 teaspoon
Channa dal - 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves - 5-8 leaves

In a round pot, add oil and mustard seeds, let it sputter.
Saute red chillies, curry leaves, followed by urad dal and channa dal
Add pepper corns and jeera (Cumin seeds) and allow on low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Add milk and allow for 1 boil and turn off the flame.
Add salt when it cools down or when its served.
Eat with hot rice and ghee on top which gives a very good taste of halu saaru.

NOTE: Salt should not be adding during the time of cooking halu saaru. Salt should be added only at the time of serving.
It you skip milk, its better be called as Menasina saaru (Pepper saaru) by adding 1 cup of water and salt as per taste.