Sunday, April 22, 2012


I loooovvvvveeeeee food…..

Food & cooking are the most desired dream I can have any time, at any peace of place on this planet. Spicy! Delicious! Yummy! Wow! Amazing! Well-seasoned! Tasteful! Delightful! Tempting! …… yet many names we spell when we enjoy food flavors and  while eating it!!! I eat when I am happy! Celebration time! Hungry! Meeting! Bored! Movie! Or even stressed out! Or upset! My bonding with food is strong because of its taste, flavor and energy in it… Hats off for the cook/chef/ cuisinier- who makes us to crave on tasty foods which relished on taste-buds for longer time. As eating is joyful, so as creative cooking and involvement. I believe cooking is a best healing remedies for stress-full life! Relax!  While I cook I smell spurting mustard seeds, sesame, onions turning golden brown, chillies, pepper, curry leaves, spring onions, a little bit ghee and end up with coriander leaves (cilantro). It’s just more than any perfect recipe.
My tasty buds love to taste tangy, spicy, chatpata food. For this reason, Indian cuisine has made its place @ everyone’s heart. India is much diversified country with thousands of food types, and each is different from one another. India represents a perfect unify of its different cultures and ancient spices, herbs which brings not only delicious but also healthy stuffs. Being an Indian, I am here to present few recipes representing most states of South India. South Indian dishes are always colorful with green chillies, home made masalas, peppers & mints and what all!!! That’s one reason why I like south Indian dish. Moreover, I like how we eat in Karnataka style on a banana leaf starting from salt, sweets and ghee and end up with beetle leaf also called as Yele-adike/ Pan, which is known as a perfect feast meal. I would never miss any single festival meal. When we go Tamil Nadu, they are ferocious eaters (you give, they will eat) and they really prepare delicious food. Who wont like tamil nadu murugan IDLI sambar!!! I doubt, as no one would disagree. While during Onam festival, foods in Kerala is like just no words to explain. I am trying to capture all possible recipes of these 3 states while I also try few untried ethnic food across globe.
I am basically a biology researcher at Bangalore and spend most of my time on field works. I feel as relaxing while I cook when I am back at home. My mind always says “cook.. cook.. cook..” I cooked for myself when I was a student. While, after my marriage, I started cooking by following many hundreds of blogs but ended up with my own measurements and addition/deletion of one/more items. Now, it’s difficult to say how my experimental dishes were!!! Whatever I cook, few of my friends and in-laws are very particular about its color and appearance. Thus, I started cooking with excellence to clear initial rounds of test (just joking friends) and I was successful. As they say, there is no secret ingredient of secret recipe!!! I have nothing secret ingredient in my recipes other than creative, enthusiastic love for cooking. My cooking style includes both Karnataka and Tamil foods because I am from malnad region of Karnataka where we say even water is pure and sweet. Malnad is also famous for variety of sweets, masala mandakki and sugar canes. But, I am more towards Tamil Nadu recipes now a days as next half of my life will be spent at my mother-in-laws (MIL) house who are from Tamil Nadu. As both my mom and MIL are good cooks, I have inherited and as well as adapted with knowledge and flavors in cooking. 

Instead of turn off your interest with my long essays, I would like to start sharing my cooking experiences. Please make me to achieve a good cook medal in your hearts with your precious comments and suggestions. Try out my recipes and good luck ;). This may be another one more blog among thousands of them on Web, but this is my one & only blog which is my passion towards cooking. Thanks for reading and Welcome to my kitchen. All ready for tangy foods? Let’s start!!!  

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